The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109055   Message #2435880
Posted By: Amos
10-Sep-08 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
below are five videos that present the Real McCain: an elitist out of touch with hard-working Americans; a double talker who supports a costly war in Iraq but won't support our veterans. Forward this email on. This is the McCain everyone should know.

1. The Real McCain 2: Watch as McCain's YouTube problem became his nightmare in the video that received over 4 million views.
Real McCain2

2. Less Jobs. More Wars: What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my bill?
Less Jobs, More Wars

3. John McCain vs. John McCain: Tell McCain to get off the Double Talk Express.
McCain vs. McCain

4. McCain's Spiritual Guide: The video that caused McCain to renounce Rev. Rod Parsley's bigoted endorsement.
McCain's Spiritual Guide

5. Why Won't McCain Sign the GI Bill? Presenting the most blatant hypocrisy of the McCain campaign.
McCain and the GI Bill