The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114230   Message #2436576
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Sep-08 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Subject: RE: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
"She's an embodiment of the mythical strongly independent American frontiersperson, a myth in which most of us have received a thorough indoctrination. She's a modern version of Calamity Jane. As long as people believe the frontier myth, they'll believe in Palin. But the fact is that the frontier myth is not only irrelevant, but counterproductive to the welfare of both our society and the planet."

Exactly my point. Both Sarah Palin and John McCain embody the old popular American myths of rugged frontier heroism. They fit those myths to a "T". Those are the kind of myths that get people elected in the USA by a public brought up on dumb TV shows and Hollywood adventure movies.

I've never believed in that myth, although I do find it somewhat enjoyable and entertaining in certain types of movies. I don't buy it outside of that, and it has nothing to do with anything someone should be elected on the basis of.

But am I the typical American voter???? Hell, no!

The Republicans know what they're doing, in my opinion. I do hope, though, that they turn out to be wrong in their expectations.