The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114182   Message #2436828
Posted By: Ebbie
10-Sep-08 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: Jesus was a community organizer!
Subject: RE: Jesus was a community organizer!
Close your mouth, Rig- you're drooling. *g*
More than 5% of Alaskans


The Alaskan Independence Party is dedicated to ultimate independence of Alaska and its people by peaceful and lawful means under a minimal government, fully responsive to the people. We seek the vote we were entitled to in 1958... Three choices... to remain a state, to accept Commonwealth status, or to become a separate and indepent nation. This was due us as a non-self-governing territory of the United States, just like Puerto Rico.

We pledge to exert our best efforts to accomplish the following:
- To effect full compliance with the constitutions of the United
States of America and the State of Alaska and to enforce the provisions of the Statehood compact against the colonial bureaucrats in Washington D.C.
- To promote the confidence and pride of all Alaskans in fulfillment of the basic human rights of all peoples to self-determination and control of their lives, liberties and natural resources.
- To prohibit all regulations and rulings purporting to have the
effect of law except that which shall be passed by the elected
- To support the right of the individual to keep and bear arms.
- To provide for the popular election of the Attorney General, all
judges and magistrates.
- To foster a Constitutional amendment abolishing and prohibiting
all property taxes.
- To re-establish the right of all Alaskan residents to entry upon
all federal, state and borough lands under customary homestead,
homesite and mineral location regulations and to recieve surface and
sub-surface patent with minimal reservation of oil and gas royalities to the state.
- To affirm that all political power is inherent in the people; that all government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the people as a whole.
- To affirm and assert every possible right-of-way established under RS2477 status of July 26, 1866, before its' repeal by the Federal Land Management Policy Act of October 21, 1976.
- To seek complete "disposal" of the public lands held by the federal government to the state and the people of Alaska except for enumerated constitutional purposes.
- To provide for the development of a statewide surface transportation system.
- To require the Alaska State legislature to repeal the states'
"General Consent Law" which allows the federal government to "take"
land without the consent of the legislature.
- To effect that the people control the legislature and its' actions by requiring an effective clause upon all legislation passed, to wit "This act shall become effective if and when it's ratified by the voters
at the next election."
- To call and convene a State Constitutional Convention.
- To support any action to defend and enforce those rights granted to the State of Alaska by the "Alaska Statehood Compact," and those rights, collectively known as "States Rights," as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Untied States of America.
- To support privatization of all government services to the fullest extent possible.
- To support the free-enterprise system and the rights of the
individual citizen to own the land and minerals, to create wealth, to hire people and to buy and sell products and services of their choice.
- To oppose the borrowing of money by government for any purpose other than for capitol improvements.
- To support the wise and responsible use of our natural resources in order to promote and achieve a solid sustainable economy.
- To support "Jobs for Alaskans... First!"

Adopted in statewide convention February 16, 1992

Joseph E. Vogler, Chairman
PO Box 40
Fairbanks, Alaska 99707