The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114272   Message #2437019
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Sep-08 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Enough, already with Palin!
Subject: RE: BS: Enough, already with Palin!
dick, as you well know, I have stated that elections in America are never about issues, they're about personalities. I did not, however, say that because I think that it's a good thing! I said it because I think it's an absolutely terrible that should be commented on and recognized for the problem that it is.

I think your politicians and your broadcast media assume that the general American public just isn't well-informed enough or patient enough to be able to respond very well to a campaign that focuses on the presentation of issues and ideas. I think they could be right about that.

I also think your media are tied to a profit motive that persuades them to cover whatever story will pull in the most viewers. What pulls in the most viewers? A sober and intelligent discussion of ideas and issues or the latest scandal or outrageous personal accusations leveled at some candidate over some juicy and probably pointless matter?

I'd say it's the latter. That's not good.

That in itself IS an issue as far as I'm concerned.

People who are politically "to the right of Attila the Hun" seem to often get a lot of support from the American public. I don't think it's because there is a keen perception of the issues out there. ;-) I think it's because people are taken in by crude and thoughtless stereotyping, knee jerk reactions to vague symbology, and they instinctively support or oppose people based on deeply stereotypical thinking, not on a genuine appreciation of "the issues" or "the facts".

However, if you want to discuss the issues some more, go right ahead. I heard enough already about the issues by 6 or 8 months ago to pretty well cover it from A to Z. And I would NEVER vote in another Republican administration now based on those issues after the last 8 years of folly and lies. At the same time, I am quite skeptical as to what the Democrats would do too if elected...but they are the only other electable choice out there right now. So what can you do? I would vote for them (with my fingers crossed).