The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113349   Message #2437042
Posted By: Teribus
11-Sep-08 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: War in Georgia (2008)
Subject: RE: BS: War in Georgia
The simple answer to Rig's question is that the former is capable the latter is not.

My post of 07 Sep 08 - 02:21 AM, in which I made the comment "Priceless, absolutely priceless.", that Guest Lox appears to object so much to, is merely a comment, or reaction to what he/she has said - Anybody here telling me that that is not allowed?? If so then what about all the LOL's, the ROTFLMAO?? What I found as being priceless was the trotting out of the same old trite left-wing, anti-war, anti-Bush crap that has been spouted on this forum, and largely disproved, for six years now.

"When you used that word I challenged you to say something intelligent instead.

At that point you told me to f*** off." - Guest Lox

Eh No, Guest Lox, you were invited to provide us with one single example of the US stealing an Iraqi oilfield - it was after all you who had stated that Scheunnemann had been instrumental in such thefts in Iraq. You were asked to provide one single example, a case in point or shut the fuck up about it - Now then Guest Lox can you please tell me where and when I told you to f*** off - Or is this another example of you putting words into my mouth???

By the bye Guest Lox - You never did furnish us with that example did you? You owe Mr. Scheunnemann an apology, you accused him of theft which he has not committed. There again, you seem to be the type that tends to throw wild, ill-considered and ill-founded accusations about.

What makes you think for one second that the Russians, unhindered and unopposed, are going to stop with just Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Guest Lox???

I also note that as with the request to substantiate your claims regarding US theft of oilfields, you have also refused to answer all my other questions related to your other flights of fancy. You know the ones Guest lox or do I have to repeat them? Just think of all those "mafia's" running about in post-election USA all bumping into one another, getting all their little schemes tangled up and muddled - As I said before, priceless, Guest lox, absolutely priceless.