The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18676   Message #2437060
Posted By: GUEST,David Lenander
11-Sep-08 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The Mighty Quinn (Bob Dylan)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ian and Sylvia's 'The Mighty Quinn'
I don't know what Ian was talking about regarding singing harmony, but I noticed in the reunion special that Sylvia at last sang the lead vocal on her "You Were On My Mind." She had always sung the harmony line, in fact, the We Five picked up her harmony line in part as the lead on their recording, something that Nancy Griffith and others also did. On all 3 of the Ian & Sylvia recordings Ian sings the lead melody. But Sylvia sings it on her solo recording and on the reunion special. I'm not sure if Ian sings a new harmony line or Sylvia's original...