The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56732   Message #2437180
Posted By: romany man
11-Sep-08 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Subject: RE: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Just marks in the grass,
where the wagons sat;
Just marks in the grass,
where the horses grew fat,
Just marks in the grass,
the turf a bit higher,
Just marks in the grass,
where they had the camp fire,
Just marks in the grass,
folk stayed here you know,
Just marks in the grass,
they were forced to go,
Just marks in the grass,
Those lives they have gone
Just marks in the grass,
the bailifs my son.
just marks in the grass,
spattered with blood ,
just marks in the grass,
we will stop this flood,
Just marks in the grass,
no body will care,
Just marks in the grass,
Gone , but where ?