The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114230   Message #2437276
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
11-Sep-08 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Subject: RE: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
"Kucinich doesn't really have much of a persona to speak of. Anyone who tries to tell those of us who support Kucinich why he got our, or anyone else's attention doesn't know what he or she is talking about."

I beg your pardon. I'm afraid you aren't grasping what I am saying.

You are fooling yourself if you feel that Kucinich doesn't have much of a persona, because if he was lacking one - he would not be where he is.

The imaget that he showed at the DNC - the firey oratory during his brilliant speech IS his personna. That image that he gave is the way he wishes the public to see him. It is a package, and a brilliant one. He reached those that feel the way he does.

You cannot have a successful politician without communication skills and an image that will inspire. It just doesn't happen. Kucinich is no exception.

A personna is a public image that is presented. That does not mean there is a Svengali-like attraction that will make people forget their views.

Ronald Reagan had it. He certainly did not reach me, but he got his message across and he spoke to needs of most Americans AT THE TIME.

"Kucinich's persona is not the point. It's what he says and what he stands for that is the point."

That is exactly right. I'm not sure why I am having a tough time getting across. Kucinich persona reached people - it attracted people like Carol to his message.   He stands for something she believes in and affected her to work for his goals. There are plenty of people like Kucinich that just cannot reach people effectively.

Sarah Palin has a personna.   The issue now is to see how her personna will change and how effective she will be once the script is taken from her hands.