The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114272   Message #2437726
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Sep-08 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Enough, already with Palin!
Subject: RE: BS: Enough, already with Palin!
Don - Their loyalty to the candidate's persona is implicit. That is established first, and THEN they talk about the issues that the candidate enunciates as his issues. What else would they tend to talk about once they've decided they like that candidate? The fact that they have decided they like him is obvious, and it's crucial to their assessment of him (or her).

You hear a lot of stuff...but in real life (3D) you tend to hear mostly stuff from other people who think much the same way you do, because those are the people you tend to hang out with, because you like them since they think the way you do and you have stuff in common with them. ;-) You enjoy talking with them. You don't spend a lot of time talking with people whose whole view on life and politics is very divergent from your own.

That's why you keep hearing what you're hearing. It's popular amongst your own peer group.

But what does pdq hear amongst his friends and associates in 3D life? Something quite different from you, obviously.

At least I would surmise so from the tenor of his comments here. ;-D

Furthermore, there's been a ton of talk on this forum about the various candidates' respective personalities. never stops! What does this say about the people here (who are a rather intellectual crowd, moreso than average Americans)? I think it says that they are very concerned not just with the issues, but with the (perceived) personalities of the candidates.

Ron - Yup. We have to agree to disagree.