The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114326   Message #2438515
Posted By: Bee
12-Sep-08 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
I also saw the bit of that interview where she tried to explain what she means when she throws God into the notion of what the military should be doing and whether a war (like the present ones) are Divinely approved of or directed. It was plain she was having difficulty making the answers acceptable to the interviewer/public while remaining loyal to her beliefs. Her body language was defensive, her sentences were slow coming and haltingly phrased. This is not good. I have no problem with a politician having personal beliefs, but when those beliefs are so out of sinc with current reality that one cannot freely express them without endangering one's image and political prospects in a predominantly theist nation, that suggests one is not going to be able to govern at the will of the people.