The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114326   Message #2438724
Posted By: Bill H //\\
12-Sep-08 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
Many newspaper critics notwithstanding I thought Gibson's interview was a gem. I have to admit that of all the queries the one about the "..Bush Doctrine"" was a true gem. Though I do believe it might have been a "gotcha" question since I don't recall that Bush ever had what one can call a "doctrine"--leave alone feeling comfortable with such a word.

It is ironic that Gibson was chosen as interviewer since, according to some media reports, they purposely did not want NBC involved because of their connection with MSNBC --Keith Oberman, etc;==and CBS because Katie Couric would not have been a contrast---perky you know. Well, they got what they deserved---Charlie Gibson who can say "...git offa my lawn" as well as McCain. You had to love---"...that is a torrent of words---what about an answer(paraphrase)."

Another gem---she came just short of threatening Russia with war and does not realize the nuances that are required--nor did she realize the issues involved in the Georgia situation--helped along by the belligerent head of that state sucking us into a situation that he believed (probably correctly) that the over-reacting Bush administration would agree with. Except for Cheney he miscalculated.

The bottom line to all this seems, to me, that McCain has merely proved his pandering to his base and not his leadership in choosing her. We also have to realize that choosing a president is what it is about and not a VP---except for 1 thing. That "thing" is how qualified is the nominee to be Pres. should the head of the ticket die or be disabled. Nothing more has to be said there. You can draw your own conclusions as between people like Lieberman, Palin, and Biden in that position.

One has to believe that after the Sarah novelty wears off she will end up in the Geraldine Ferraro league of---"oops" from the fellow who chose her. Who know what other things he did not know--and then she can return the rented suit her daughter's lover wore to look good. I know they are off limits for criticism, but then one would have hoped she would not have put her family front and center in the media.

Oh--one other thig--strong women. Michelle Obama will surely make a fine 1st lady--we have had a few like that---Hillary and Eleanor come to mind---bet they could have been pretty good VPs--and Ps

The only thing that I think stands tall for Georgia are the Pines---but that is in the Georgia near Alabama.

Bill Hahn