The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114337   Message #2438737
Posted By: Donuel
12-Sep-08 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: If you had to vote today...
Subject: BS: If you had to vote today...
If you had to vote today without the possible October surprises or shake ups that may occur before November,

Whom would you elect?... (for non librarians)...'who would you vote for?'

Since I have THC, Terminal Hyochondriacle Cynacism,
I would vote for McCain Palin today*

How about YOU? :o{}

*the reason being is that the USA will be descending to rock bottom two years from now and it is only fitting that the Bush legacy burden another Republican administration and not set up Democrates with the epidemic of poverty, crime hoplessness and unemployment.
If that should include the release of nuclear weapons in pre emptive anger or worse?! so be it.
I'm sorry Pete Seeger, Barack Obama and families with children, but the disease has spread too far.
Let the full wieght of failure fall on the republican disaster machine including those who are wealthy beyond measure yet stole the few remaining crumbs their country had to offer.

Also, Premiere (formerely diebold) and Sequoia Voting machines are primed to do their best/worst as demonstrated by their use in DC primaries. They counted more votes than cast. The Company said the error (they were hoping no one look for let alone find) was caused by static electricity. Lets hope no one wears leather shoes to vote in November. Sequoia Systems added that a less likely cause wouldbe human error.

As the Ceasar, I Claudius said as he lay dieing of poison from an ambitious woman in the Roman Empire, "LET ALL THE EVIL IN THE MUD HATCH OUT"