The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113229   Message #2438891
Posted By: JohnInKansas
12-Sep-08 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: WVA 2008 - Winfield Festival
Subject: RE: WVA 2008 - Winfield Festival
Friday, 12 September, 2008

(Thursday was Land Rush, and we all proceeded to our campsites and "pitched tents and circled the wagons" - in an all-day rain/drizzle/rain/drizzle/rain.)

Vague rumors beginning in early morning hours following approximately 5.2 inches of rain overnight indicated that some parts of the campground notoriously subject to flooding were "being moved." Some people were quoting "radio and TV reports" that a crest on the Walnut River at about 18 feet (flood stage is 18 feet) was predicted by Friday afternoon.

The "official" WVA radio station, 105.7 FM, continued to broadcast the information than only selected areas were to be evacuated, but began adding information(?) on "re-assembly areas" people could go to.

By about noon, unofficial rumors were that the USGS hydrological unit had predicted a crest at ~34 feet for the Walnut river at Winfield on Saturday. A few hours later the radio began confirming the USGS estimate, and suggested "some people may need to move."

An official US Meteorological report repeated by the radio station indicated an expected crest on Friday at about 18 feet, to be followed on Saturday by another crest at 34.2 feet.

An "apparently official" announcement by the radio station early in the afternoon stated that the park was ordered closed, and that evacuation by EVERYONE, by midnight, was mandatory.

About the only sign of actual "preparedness" was the sudden appearance of a number of very large tractors who worked their way fairly methodially from low points up to higher ground, extracting rigs that would otherwise be lost in the mud. Utility crews also appeared and proceeded with the "normal" elevation of all the electrical outlet boxes to their "off-season" height (15 or 20 feet above ground level?).

At least five "re-assembly" locations were given by the radio station, but with only vague directions regarding their locations. No information was ever provided suggesting where people from given park locations should reassemble. We were informed that "instructions would be given" at the main entrance as we left the park, however police directing traffic would NOT PERMIT US TO GO TO THE MAIN ENTRANCE. (Academic comment, as at least one who evaded the police and made it to the main entrance was told there were no instructions available. One other, who claims to have "argued vigorously" was finally given a sheet with a bad map on it but with no other information.)

In the absence of useful information, a small group from our camp met at the Walmart parking lot (after a multi-mile detour at the direction of police and sheriff dept officers). This was one of the "re-assembly" locations listed. After some discussion, we all left with a variety of destinations.

The more rational of us seemed inclined to return home (mostly to Wichita - ~50 miles from the park) and await further information.

With the exception of confirmation via the USGS hydro website that the river was at 18.1 feet at 19:00 (7:00 pm Central US Time Zone) no further information has been accessible (to me).

The "official statement" from the WVA website is that the "Festival will proceed as scheduled," but there is as yet no information on when and how people will be permitted to return to the campground (if at all).

A possibly valid rumor is that the USGS "projection" was that the river will return to "at or below flood stage" by "sometime Monday." It is also projected that hurricane Ivan will produce copious rain in the area during the next week or so.
