The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114230   Message #2438998
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Sep-08 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Subject: RE: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
"by 5th grade, tuition equals $20,286 a year" That not a big deal

The going rate at the "for profit" day care center where my wife works is $23,400 per yr & that's without the extras like special music programs & other such stuff & those that are poor get state vouchers.

Education should be affordable & accessable to everyone, at all levels, this is one of the issues Obama is fighting for. The republicaans have been against this & other issues like this, just like affodable & accessable national health care. MaCain & Palin will see to it that we'll stay the same course & it'll be another decade before the topic can be breached again if they get into office.

Them that have the resources, brains & money to get their children
will do so at any cost, it'sthe best investment they can get for their kids future. The shame of it is that we all can't obtain it for our kids. If only I had the money,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
That's what this election is about!

I want the same health coverage as MaCain gets, I want my kids to have the option of receiving the same education as the kids of politicans get. I want want to be free of worry that wars will take my kids away from my, I want my kids to be able to find jobs that pay a decent wage, if there are any left by the time their schooling's done, I want to have the civil & human rights that were granted to me & fought for by my forefathers & founding fathers, I want my privicy, I want my bedroom shades drawn without the government peeking in & telling me how my family's to live their lives, I want back the amendments that were stolen by the Bush administration, I want religious extremist to keep their religons to themselves & stay as far away from matters of state as the law provides, I want politicans who lie about bringing US to war brought to justice & jailed by a war crimes court, I want our government to sign on to a world court, I want to know that we as a nation won't through away our kids future so that oil, drug, energy, medical companies can make profits at the costs to our enviorment. I don't want much only what's fair & due US.
