The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22477 Message #243903
Posted By: Irish sergeant
17-Jun-00 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are You a Real Paddy or a Plastic Paddy?
Subject: RE: BS: Are You a Real Paddy or a Plastic Paddy?
Just because some of us are two, three and more generations removed from our European "Motherlands" in no way invalidates our cultural identity! God save us all if we get wired into playing one type of music! "Plastic Paddy" seems rather offensive to me. I don't take much offense at things except possibly racial stereotyping. If they want to call me a plastic paddy, they are free to but I will likely tell them to bugger off. I can be rude, crude and socially unacceptable too. As to friend Rollo. Keep digging! I know the Prussian and Northern German culture must still have vestiges of music left not buried in Bavarian gemutlikeit. One example "Die gedenkin sind frie" (Ideas are free my German is rather rusty so the spelling may be off.) The song dates to the Napoleonic wars and was a pointed jab at French forces. Goodf luck and good hunting, reguards, Neil