The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22464   Message #243909
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
17-Jun-00 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Not 'Folk' - what should we call it?
Subject: RE: BS: Not 'Folk' - what should we call it?
No, I'm just curious,is all. What I had in mind is, we all have a sort of rivalry with our parents at some time. You know, the old thing about how when you're growing you realise your parents are right eejits - and then after a few years, it can be amazing how much more sensible they have become...

Well, if you're a second generation folkie, that's going to apply as well. So I'd expect you to be a bit impatient and dismissive of some of the old stuff the parents do, or think it should all be played at twice the speed and that..

But if you're a first generation folkie, I'd imagine that the intergenerational scorn would be directed at your own parents - and you'd might even be more in tune with the older folkies. (A bit analogouse to the way folk song collectors would sometimes focus their attention on the old grandparents, and the younger generation would have their noses put out of joint at times in the process.)

And that's what I meant by wondering about different attitudes and tension. Creative tension I'd hope. I'm not suggesting fistfights or suchlike - more disagreements about who to emulate and how fast tunes should be played, and so forth.