The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113945   Message #2439232
Posted By: wysiwyg
13-Sep-08 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Anybody else this bad? Or do we all just have ridiculously busy lives?

There is a fine line, and it is easily crossed. Your shrink is right-- it would be a good thing to check out, becuase there are some very simple behavioral strategies (non-medicated ones) to make life quite manageable.

For me that fine line is one particular spot. When its clutter gets over a certain line, I know I am starting toward trouble. BUT if I take care of that spot when I see it crossed, it is quite easy to move on from it to other areas about to get outta control, and keep it all in good order for quite a long time til the next slip down the slidy slope.

The great news is that our brain chemistry and learned habits are quite plastic-- formable and re-formable. The higher brain, the mind, and your intentionality have quite a considerable degree of take-charge control over the lower brain, over the habits getting in the way of the life you want, and over the brain chemistry.

So I would say check it out, but then don't jump onto meds right off if they're suggested, because from other disciplines you may find this quite manageable. And if your shrink doesn't find a problem, then you can still go right to the behavioral changes.
