The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22479   Message #243937
Posted By: SINSULL
17-Jun-00 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
Subject: RE: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
What a relief to read that I am not alone in seeing, hearing,etc. people and animals who are no longer with us. I stopped talking about it years ago because half the world thought I was crazy and the other half painfully prone to the power of suggestion.

None of this involves haunting or seances or any Hollywood type nonsense. I am unmoved by graveyards. In my mind they contain shells of former people not their essence. There is a place in my garden where a long dead tomcat I adored chose to stay. None of my other pets are around. But if I sit in that part of the garden Fred eventually shows up.

I don't offer my services up for hire. They are about as perfected as my singing technique. But I never turn my back on a "visitor". The ancient Greeks believed it was unlucky to turn a stranger away from your door. It may be a god in disguise. I had a nun tell me the same thing when I was a child claiming it might be an angel.

Demons? I would rather take the chance on dealing with one than risk turning away a friend or my mother. I have seen and experienced too many "coincidences" to discount the power of the human mind. And more than likely there is a rational, practical explanation for what is going on.

I rarely cook roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding but whenever I do my mother (It was her most famous dish) is in the room with me. Anyone else have a similar "kitchen" experience? I believe it's not uncommon.

No I don't believe that aliens are walking among us plotting a takeover or that Area 51 is housing UFO crash wreckage.

I do however firmly believe in Santa Claus.