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Thread #114244   Message #2439418
Posted By: SharonA
13-Sep-08 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
Back to the subject of the Republican party's outcry about Obama's "Lipstick on a Pig" comment as being an attack on Palin: I thought it was the most reprehensible race-baiting that they've pulled thus far in this campaign.

Yes, I said race-baiting. The message rang out loud and clear: "It's alright for our good ol' sons to say that about one o'them thar Democrat wimmen -- they deserve it -- but how dare that uppity [n-word] say that about one of OUR wimmen!?! You gonna let that boy get away with that???" Quite obviously, they are going after the bigot vote. The Republican campaign leaders know very well that they're taking Obama's words out of context, and they know very well that Obama was not talking about Palin at the time he uttered the well-known saying. They know very well that McCain used it as a direct slam at Hillary Clinton. And they don't care. They aren't concerned with accuracy or fairness. They only want to tap into deep-seated racial hatred that the more bigoted US citizens are sick of being expected to suppress. The Republicans don't want these people to vote with their minds, or even with their hearts (except perhaps the blackest parts of their hearts), but with their nooses and their burning crosses.

When I heard the news about how they were spinning what Obama said, I felt like I was watching that scene from "To Kill a Mockingbird" during that farce of a trial, where the black man was villified for his innocent action even though everyone in town knew what kind of a woman his accuser was, knew that his testimony about her actions was truthful and that hers was a lie, knew that she had been all over him and not the other way 'round... but felt they had to protect their race and their society against even an imagined incursion by the black man, even though they'd have to deal with disciplining the white woman after the trial and putting her in her place.

If McCain pulls off this farce and wins this election, it won't be because of the votes of women who think Palin is going to change anything -- we know that she would be made invisible except when they wanted to bring her out of a dark room and show her off -- no, it'll be because of the votes of the bigots they've riled up with their lies.