The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114230   Message #2439564
Posted By: Bobert
13-Sep-08 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Subject: RE: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Wake up??? How curious...

Yeah, the strongest PR that the Repubs have this year from keeping an exceptional man from ***perhaps*** being the Trojan Horse that is the only way that America can be saved from itself is to spread the "twiddle-dee-twiddlw-dum" story...

Excuse me, but I've heard it... Preached it for years... No matter how elequent it is laid out it is still the same old song... And this year the candidate who has most to gain from it is John McCain...

So, for you folks who want to rearrange the words but tell that same old story, just know that in doing so you, knowingly or unknowingly, are doing John McCain and his corporate sponsors work...

Tell ya' what... This "Twiddle-dee-Twiddle-dum" reminds me of every Southern Rock band playing "Free Bird"...

To me it ain't independent thought anymore... Not this time... Yeah, its been that way for the last 30 years but not this time...

But ya'll have fun rewriting it to sound more interesting... To me, it's a cop out so count me out this election... And this from a guy who last worked for Bobby Kennedy and the last Dem I voted for was Jimmy Carter...

But ya'll have fun and when in 10 years you look back at what could have been go check out yer weary faces in the mirror and think to yerselves, "Yeah, I really sounded cool back in '08.."

Know what I mean??? Probably not... All fucking peasants as far as I can see...
