The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114230   Message #2439591
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Sep-08 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Subject: RE: What does Sarah Palin remind you of?
Well, yeah...maybe.

I always look at life on two levels, Bobert:

1. the ideal - what I wish for
2. the practical - what is actually possible right now

On the ideal level I am very pissed off at the Duopoly and the whole present ruling system in the USA, and I dream of a society where political parties have ceased to exist altogether, so that the public is not artificially divided into two (or more) lots of partisan arguers. I also dream of elections where all election funding to all candidates is equal and comes out of a public purse, and where the election campaign is relatively short (say 6 weeks).

On the practical level, right now in 2008 in the USA, I would vote for Obama.

That's the difference between ideal and practical.