The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22477 Message #243989
Posted By: InOBU
18-Jun-00 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are You a Real Paddy or a Plastic Paddy?
Subject: RE: BS: Are You a Real Paddy or a Plastic Paddy?
bflat!: You speak of racisist Irish, and claim that you know of what you speak because you live among them. how often have I heard racists say they now about the community they hate because they live among them. That is the definition of racisim, group judgement. If you haven't met the right kind of people among us, I would direct you to my song about Amadou Diallo, popular among my Irish crowd, my song about the forced assimilation of Canadian Natives, my song about the murder of Czech Roma (Gypsies) all played my my Irish band. I would have you meet Irish like my friends uncle, a fellow named Nee, who fought against facsism in Spain when England and the US were making deels with Hitler, I would have you read the speaches of my dear friend Bernadette Devlin McCaulisky, who when given the key to New York, gave it to the Black Panthers. I realise more people play in D then bflat, and as such, you may be hanging out with a more unique crowd, but come on into the maistream a bit, we aren't as scary as we seem, as far as being anti protestant, well, I am an Anglo Irishman raised protestant, republican and I don't mean the part of Regan I mean the party of Connoly and Cathal Brugha - raised in the tradition that we fight, as Connaly said, not for rocks and clay but for the lives of workers. Oh my, enough from me, Brendy and Kevin, take over a while, I have to make breakfast for my Catholic wife... All the best Larry