The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114182   Message #2439952
Posted By: seeking_truth
14-Sep-08 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Jesus was a community organizer!
Subject: RE: Jesus was a community organizer!
Hey Big Mick, why the animosity?
You said,"we are going to pass the Free Choice Act which restores the balance to the laws governing workers organizing unions. Once the system has the fairness restored, we will see how obsolete we are."

I'm all for balance but fairness is what is fair to all. Do you claim to be able to do that for all Americans? If so, I will write your name on the ballot. Wait, are we allowed to do that in this society? Ain't that something? And we aren't even socialists.

As far as you being a community activist, God bless you but as a Christian I say to you don't claim Jesus was just a community organizer unless you are an atheist. To do so would make Obama His equal on some level which is beyond rediculous.

Why is it that Liberals (not Democrats) get so angry when they feel they're not getting their way?

In closing, I say that Hillary Clinton is the statesman and Obama is immature and not-ready-for-primetime.