The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943   Message #2440146
Posted By: Rog Peek
14-Sep-08 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: LEGENDS (Sammy Walker)
(Sammy Walker)

The first time that I called you in that old New York hotel
It was Halloween all over with that trick you played so well
I woke you up from dreaming singing songs of yesterday
We took a drive to Newport to hear St. Peter play

Dust on you mouth, legends on your mind
Hanging out with Bogart in some bygone place and time
Sing me your sweet 'Changes' when I'm feeling down and blue
And I'll treasure precious hours that I stole away with you

Oh the muggy nights in Soho, I had so much to learn
You gave me wings to fly away and asked for no return
Lon Chaney's ghost beside us wore the face of Mickey Finn
And I never once suspected that you and he were friends


The last time that I saw you, you weren't really even there
I cried when I heard you come across out on the air
You bid your last farewell just like your first hello
And I'll always think about you when I pass through Ohio


Notes: When Sammy had been noticed by Sis Cunningham and Gordon Friesen, Phil, or 'John Train' as he had begun to call himself, set about promoting Sammy and helped produce his first album 'Song for Patty'. Phil sang vocals on Sammy's cover of Bound for Glory, and that was the last time he would be heard on record. Legends appeared on Blue Ridge Mt. Skyline (Warner Bros BS3080) released in 1977.
RP Sept08