The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113945   Message #2440189
Posted By: maire-aine
14-Sep-08 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
It started raining on Friday night, and rained all day Saturday. And this wasn't even the rain from Ike, just some dumb ol' storm that got stuck over the Great Lakes. I was marching in a parade with Dem candidates, for a community festival, so I was soaked by the time I got back to my car.

I discovered that I have a couple of leaks in my roof, one around the chimney, and one around a fan. For now, I have a big (former litter) box to catch the drips, but I guess I'll have to have some work done. It's about 18 year (maybe 19) since I had a new roof put on.

It has been hot and very humid today, and we had a little rain about an hour ago. The rain from Ike is supposed to get here tonight and last most of Monday.

While I was crawling around in the attic, I brought down a box of books on needlepoint. I still enjoy doing it, but not really interested in creating my own patterns. So the books will go to the library used book sale.

I'm getting a better wireless signal in the upstairs bedroom, than in the diningroom, so that's where the new computer will stay. That could be good, de-cluttering-wise. I won't clutter up the dining room, and I may de-clutter the bedroom more, if I spend more time there.
