The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114382   Message #2440285
Posted By: llareggyb (inactive)
14-Sep-08 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: Suitable sentencing for loud 'music'.
Subject: RE: Suitable sentencing for loud 'music'.
Repeat offenders should have to listen repeats of "I've Got a Brand New Pair of Rollerskates" by Melanie -- that should be a severe enough to deter anyone.

It's usually the low bass that offends the worst -- rattles walls and windows. Without prejudice, since I like my music loud myself (when I can play it without disturbing others - thank the giddess for headphones), most heavy bass offenders are rappers who wouldn't come within a mile of classical music. But I say, no swingin' folk music or gentle Mozart for them! Give them twentieth century pipe-organ music, with 15" sub-woofers, recorded on organs with 32' pipes (that's a chest thumpin' 16 hz)!