The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114337   Message #2440519
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Sep-08 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: If you had to vote today...
Subject: RE: BS: If you had to vote today...
Well...that certainly opens up the field for a flurry of hot debate and counterstrike, Rig... ;-)

I can hardly wait.

I think you're a bit mentally disturbed around certain specific hot issues that trouble you, Rig, like the religion thing, but I like your honesty. (grin)

Here's my list of the most important goals that strike my fancy.

1. Get American troops out of Iraq ASAP. Pay the Iraqis massive war reparations to rebuild their country. Put Bush, Cheney, and numerous others on trial for illegal aggression, lying, and unconstitutional behaviour in regards to the Iraq war.

2. Provide universal and free government-funded health care to all American citizens and make it a constitutionally guaranteed right from this time forward.

3. Stop using the CIA to import illegal drugs into the USA and subvert foreign governments. In fact, shut the bastards down and put their top people on trial as well for crimes against the nation and against humanity in general.

4. De-militarize your college campuses (remove recruitment offices, I mean).

5. Re-open the 911 investigation. There is much that needs to be re-examined there.

6. Abolish the Democratic and Republican parties and start over from scratch. In fact, abolish all political parties in the USA from here on in. Everyone runs as an individual, not as a party member of any party.

7. Establish a modest public fund to fund future election campaigns, drawn from tax dollars. By means of this fund all future candidates for government office will receive equal funding, no private donations will be allowed. All will get equal air time to present their views. The election campaign will be limited to 6 weeks. There will be no parties, therefore there will be no primaries either. You can now expect to spend about 1 per cent of what is presently spent on a presidential election campaign, and everyone who is in it will get equal media coverage.

8. Stop pestering people about their various sexual and private lifestyle choices and their religion or their lack of it. Let THEM choose how they should live for a change and as long as they're not hurting anyone or obviously breaking ordinary civil laws then leave them the hell alone.

9. Get American troops out of Afghanistan too. They're not fighting terrorism there, they're attempting to secure strategic areas and build oil pipelines. Let the Afghans deal with their own internal affairs...they'll fight it out amongst themselves like they always do, someone will eventually win, and the status quo in Afghanistan will resume like it always does as soon as the foreign armies leave.

10. Provide jobs for the unemployed and homes for the homeless. Consider that a replay of FDR's New Deal, and get to it. It can be done. All it takes is the will to do it.

That's a start. ;-) More stuff for people here to fight about. Go to it.

Neither Obama nor McCain will deliver you the programs I suggested above, by the way, and I doubt that Nader would either, not that he has a dog's chance in hell of ever being elected... ;-)