The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16362   Message #244101
Posted By: GUEST,Jonathan Zimet
18-Jun-00 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Twelve Days of Christmas-for teaching catechism?
Subject: RE: Twelve Days of Christmas
On Dec 21, 1999, Joe Offer said: The religious meanings behind "Green Grow the Rushes" ... are a lot more clear. I've been curious about the lyrics of the version of "Green Grow ..." that starts something like "Who knows one, O?" and gives something for each number, as well as possible (hidden) religious meanings. The song (which I last heard as a small child on bus rides to camp) strikes me as possibly having many analogies to a Hebrew Passover song, "Ehad Mi Yodea"-- (in English, "Who knows one") For ex, the first verse of Ehad is: "One is our God who is in heaven and earth", while my recollection of Green Grow is something like: "One is one and all is one and ever there shall be so." Any help here? (I'll post this as a new query, too)