The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114397   Message #2441153
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Sep-08 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Political Fallout At House Concert
Subject: RE: Political Fallout At House Concert
I just came back from playing a weekend festival, and read through this thread.

IMO, Sol, the answer lies in your target audience. The fact that these two walked out doesn't indicate to me that it is going to cost you much in good will. The overwhelming majority of folkies share the sentiments, to one degree or another, of groups like Magpie. And the audience does have an obligation to spend their money based on good information. That information is easily obtainable for Magpie. I would pass the information on to Magpie and forget about it. Those that think YOU ought to refund are wrong. You don't have the money, Magpie does.

That performer Charlie refers to is a pretty good friend of mine. His reasons for his views are well thought out. And in a large percentage of issues we find ourselves in fierce agreement. I have great respect for him, as he doesn't duck or hide how he feels, nor does he wear it on his sleeve. He is a principled and honorable person. IMO, he is wrong about GWB, but he thinks I am wrong too. And a better musician and entertainer is hard to find.

These ladies weren't mislead under any definition of folk music I know of. Would they have wanted their money back if they just didn't like the performers? If so, would you have given it to them? The answer to both is no. Move on.

All the best,
