The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #2441595
Posted By: Bobert
15-Sep-08 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
I hate to bring this up, P-Gator but there's some dumbass rules for renting and rebuilding in N.O. that comes right outta an old Jim Crow Play Book... I reckon that the old Klaners are feeling their oats and figure that if they can jus' run the rest of the blacks outta Lousianna then Katrina or Gustov or whatever, Louisana will go Repub for the next million years...

Maybe you know somethin' about these things, I donno, but the rumblings ain't stayin' right there in N.O. and folks as far away as Virginia have heard 'bout this stuff...
