The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22479   Message #244207
Posted By: Mrrzy
18-Jun-00 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
Subject: RE: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
OK, I have to bring in a Star Trek reference now. There was an episode where a long-dead race took over Captain Picard's mind for about half an hour, during which time he lived an entire lifetime with this race, raising children, giving up his "known" identity when nobody would believe that he was Captain Picard, and at the end, when he's very old and just before "waking up" back on the Enterprise [and still the age he was], he finds out that the whole thing was set up because it was MORE IMPORTANT TO THIS RACE TO BE REMEMBERED THAN TO SURVIVE. I mean, with that kind of technology, they could have stashed themselves on the probe, not memories of themselves. Those of us watching had several really involved conversations about whether, in the possible absence of literal life after death, being remembered after death would suffice. I certainly keep my dad very close to my heart and in the front of my mind, and it's been 17 years. Obviously many of you also have very close thoughts about your dearly departed. But I have to admit jealousy of the 2 sisters whom he visited.