The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114244 Message #2442747
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Sep-08 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
Forgot to post name again, gosh durn it.... From: Genie Date: 16 Sep 08 - 08:18 PM
Guest from Sanity, After you used that lipstick on your dog "where it would show up," I hope you designated that particular tube as the dog's exclusive property
Oh Genie, Thou shall not covet....get your own!
No, the Clinton's do not subscribe to "abstinence only" as a birth control program. Especially after marriage.
Why should they??...Just let it slop on the Blue dress!
Aside from that, and on a more serious note: If a person cannot keep a vow, to the partner he brought forth a child with...who is he going to keep an oath with??????? Just what does that scumbag value?? Life??..His wife??? His family??...Naw, just you, who voted him in, right???? Watch out, there's another pig flying overhead!!
From: Amos Date: 16 Sep 08 - 05:56 PM
All I can say is, if the lipstick fits, wear it.
OR.....If the cigar fits....smoke it???...just don't inhale!!!