The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114406   Message #2443008
Posted By: Donuel
17-Sep-08 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Big Trouble on Wall Street
Subject: RE: BS: Big Trouble on Wall Street
Say this whole mess took place in a small town.
The guy who took your money to buy seed for your crops.
THings were fine and the crops made a profit.
But now the seed banker bought unkown worthless seeds on purpose or worse yet took your moeny and didn't give you any seeds, just a promise.

Now you have no money or seeds.

There is no more trust, no more seeds no more crops.

What do you think the townsfolk should do to the seed salesman?

If we killed him, the next seed salesman might think twice about cheating us.
If we bailed him out, the way is clear for more of the same.