The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114389   Message #2443072
Posted By: Donuel
17-Sep-08 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Frank Rich on Palin
Subject: RE: The Palin archtype and why they need her
The conservative movement needs inferior people to do their bidding and do as they are told.

Every mispent trillion dollars or lost 500 billion is nearly doubled by interest over decades for that borrowed money.
IT used to be a stratedgy to leave the democrates with no money for their agendas except to pay down the debt.

Now it has gone beyond that has put the nation in peril of no global trust and in peril for the very existence of a prosperous USA for generations

Fantastic misgovernment of the kind we have seen is not an accident, nor is it the work of a few bad individuals. It is the consequence of triumph by a particular philosophy of government, by a movement that understands the liberal state as a perversion and considers the market the ideal nexus of human society.

What do we have now?

Mass firing of federal prosecutors; bribing of newspaper columnists; pallets of shrinkwrapped cash "misplaced" in Iraq; inexperienced kids running the Baghdad stock exchange; the discovery that many of Alaska's leading politicians are on the take—our heads swim. We climb to the rooftop, but we cannot find the heights of irony from which we might laugh off the blend of thug and pharisee that is Tom DeLay—or dispel the nauseating suspicion, quickly becoming a certainty, that the government of our nation deliberately fibbed us into a pointless, catastrophic war and bailing out a trillion dollars of Wall Street fraud.

But put conservatives like Palin in charge of the state, and it behaves very differently. Now the "values" that rightist politicians eulogize on the stump disappear, and in their place we can discern an entirely different set of priorities—priorities that reveal more about the unchanging historical essence of American conservatism than do its fleeting campaigns against gay marriage or secular humanism. Conservative's leaders laugh off the idea of the public interest as airy-fairy nonsense; they caution against bringing top-notch talent into government service; they declare war on public workers. They have made a cult of outsourcing and privatizing, they have wrecked established federal operations because they disagree with them, and they have deliberately piled up an Everest of debt in order to force the government into crisis. The ruination they have wrought has been thorough; it has been a professional job.

A treasonous unconstitutional job, but a professional criminal job none the less.