The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22523   Message #244362
Posted By: Gervase
19-Jun-00 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: What is it about the Brits?
Subject: RE: What is it about the Brits?
...stirs tea...pauses...then
Hey, Larry, next you'll be telling us that Queen Anne's dead!
These days we don't have much official censorship per se (speaking as one who's spent the past 20 years working in the national meejah). What we have is perhaps worse (in a democracy you can, possibly, do something about governments) in that we have a supine attitude to the powers that be, coupled with a media - both print and broadcast - which does little more than "campaign" about vested interests and pander to the lowest common denominators of taste in the pursuit of profit. Ever wondered why so many newspapers are rabidly anti-Euro and Little-Englandish? Maybe because they're owned by proprietors with more to gain from isolationism and membership of NAFTA. But let's not get onto that one...
Meanwhile, and I'll whisper this in case I'm tarred and feathered by rabid monarchists, you may find that more than a few of us on this side of the Irish Sea would prefer to be citizens rather than subjects.
Of course, mention English republicanism an everyone always says "yeah, but then you'd have suffered President Thatcher", but I think the two Mary's in Ireland have been pretty good presidents.
Mrs Robinson didn't have the best sense of humour though - a pal on the Irish Times once had tea with her shortly after she announced that she was keeping a candle burning in the window at Aras an Uachtarain to welcome home the Irish diaspora. "Still not back yet, then?" he says, nodding at the candle, to be met with a distinctly frosty glare.