The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22411   Message #244370
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Jun-00 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football without tears
Subject: RE: BS: Football without tears
The idea of throwing a team out of a sporting competition that they have qualified for, IS unfair, a knee-jerk reaction and it is 'passing the buck'. Even if this reaction is a completely understandable one.

However England have yet to qualify for the next stage and may do everyone a favour by now not doing so. It must be very difficult to motivate yourself to a victory when everyone but you and your genuine supporters obviously want you to lose and go away.

English club teams have in the past been excluded from European events over the conduct of their, so called fans. I feel this ban is one of the reasons why the current situation is now so bad. This stupidity may sadly be the only thing that the English are now accepted as being the world leaders in but it never was just confined to the English.

Ironic indeed that the England football teams, whilst not winning the tournaments do usually win the trophy awarded for 'fair play'.

In fact little if any of the trouble now occurs at or on the way to the football match. A person who starts or takes part in a riot, assaults another person or damages property is not a 'fan' but a criminal.. There are procedures in all European countries to deal with criminals. Why then are the 800 or so 'fans' deported back to the UK not, even now criminals?

The authorities that want the UK authorities to prevent people leaving England, when they have not yet committed a crime are now returning them, after they have committed a crime. As far as I am aware these people can just go back?

The issue is not really whether excluding The England team is unfair but whether it will solve the problem long term or make it worse? I can see the attractions this measure holds for our political leaders but it is their problem to solve, not one to pass to the football players.

I don't really think the rest of the world understands how people in England feel about inflicting these parasites on them.