The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114441   Message #2443791
Posted By: Jean(eanjay)
18-Sep-08 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice for the Gurkhas/Bravest of the Brave
Subject: RE: BS: Justice for the Gurkhas/Bravest of the Brave
I'm sure that a lot of people (me included) are pleased that the government are putting the breaks on .... BUT they have got it WRONG here.

What possible moral case exists for saying that a Gurkha discharged in 1996 after 15 years' service is any less entitled to come here than one discharged a year later, after five years in the Army? For some Gurkhas falling outside the cut-off date who are already living in Britain, sometimes in penury, it means the prospect of deportation.

It is extraordinary that the authorities are prepared to deport someone who fought in our Army, yet last week the Court of Appeal ruled that under an EU directive, an Italian who served nine years for robbing a pensioner - and had a string of other convictions - could not be ejected because he did not pose a serious threat to the security of the nation.

Pre-1997 Gurkhas are not able to stay or settle because the Home Office says they cannot demonstrate "close ties" to this country. Even serving Gurkha soldiers are not treated equally. Their children are regarded as foreign students and must pay fees of up to £13,000 a year if they want to attend university. Only when citizenship is granted after a lengthy application period once they leave the Army are their children regarded as home students in the UK.

All of this is particularly galling when you consider the mess the Government has made of our immigration system. Over the past 10 years, it has allowed hundreds of thousands of people who have no claim to settle here to do just that.

That is taken from here.

Let us not confuse different groups of people and lump them all together under one heading!

I just hope that the High Court in London rules in their favour. That would be JUSTICE!