The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114441   Message #2444197
Posted By: CET
18-Sep-08 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Justice for the Gurkhas/Bravest of the Brave
Subject: RE: BS: Justice for the Gurkhas/Bravest of the Brave
I have signed the petition, by virtue of having been born in Britain, though I have been a Canadian for lo these many years. There are a couple of Gurkha soldiers serving on the same camp as me here in Afghanistan.

I, too, grew up with stories about the Gurkhas from my father, who knew them in Malaya.

I don't believe that the troll calling himself Eliott Lurie ever served in the British Army. No real soldier would ever say the things he has said about the Gurkhas. And no real infantryman would express contempt for Engineers. Any one in a real line regiment knows they are first in and last out, and just as tough as any rifleman.