The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22523   Message #244424
Posted By: InOBU
19-Jun-00 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: What is it about the Brits?
Subject: RE: What is it about the Brits?
Ah we are of to a great start!
For the record, one should read the what is with the yanks posts first, to see the spirit in which this was posted... and secondly, there is a familier ring to the chears m'dears greating, a little wit from Wiltshire mayhaps? Well, I hope those who respond so well, for example Gervase have read my other posts, for I am in no way a Brit basher, in fact there are no governments on this planit I trust, for over on this side of the atlantic we have had overt political censorship for all the generations leading up to telivision, when we did not need to put people in jail for free speach (the plamer raids for example) as most Americans put down the books and papers, picked up the TV remote and turned off their minds, giving over to the censorship of the pursestrings. Gervase, you are in good company, Helen Mirin is my favorite English Republican, and I have great hope that one day even here in the US we may be citizens and not subjects, but our kings and queens hide better. One last barb and then we will all sit down for a good sing and a good cry, I do accept that there is a new spirit of glasnost coming to England and environs, however, when are we going to be able to read the Stalker Report? It is hard to plan a future without a little truth and reconciliation.
Scrumpy all round, and howbout a few verses of "On a Monday Morning"! Chears agus slan