The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113945   Message #2444286
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Sep-08 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering in earnest - September
The last night the last small batch of tomatoes from the garden were cooked into a taco sauce and I processed one pint jar of it. I'm still testing recipes--no point in making a large batch of something I don't like. This was pretty good, but still not quite what I'm aiming at. I have a partial 1/2 pint jar in the fridge now for sampling. It isn't economical to do only one or two jars at a time, but it is a good way to sample and to teach myself the canning methods without too much investment in food materials.

All week the temperatures have been so nice that I've had windows open all around the house. I also had the screen door open on the side, so I need to keep any eye out that critters didn't crawl in under the bottom of the door. I catch tarantulas in here every so often this time of year--I have to beat the cats to them.

In the de-cluttering operation, I have a nice little collection of items to choose from for this year's Secret Santa, and have my eye on a shelf I need to empty that will also probably go into that area. Gifts or eBay.