The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2444518
Posted By: Donuel
18-Sep-08 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
my illustration of the Feds infusion of Liquidity

They did this intentionally . It has been set up for 8 years.
All the added spying on citizens and the executive branch homeland security troops that go where the FBI would not are designed to be first responders to any possible anger blowback by Americans.

Be that as it may I have always taken up the mantle of looking over the hill and reporting what I see. Other people here have different modes of chronicling what has already happened.

They say all these bail outs are unprecedented...
They are only warming up for the biggest rip off of all history. It will be like firing a cannon in comparison to pulling the trigger on the Wall Street bailuouts you've seen so far.

Between the war and Wall Street, so far we have seen a minimum of 3 trillion dollars leave our country. ( gee we really coulda used some of that for natural disasters and infrastructure and free health care and that vacation you wished you could have before you died)


The mother of all bail outs is coming......mark my words

They will claim it is less than a trillion dollar generic bailout but with interest ect. it will be an additional $3 TRILLION.

Thats a $6 Trillion dollar heist.

don't forget the $93 Trillion dollar fraud sale of worthless mortgage securities we sold the world as triple top shelf most secure investments on Earth.

and its all coming to you before Christmas.


it will be called "the long term solution"

reminds me of the final solution