The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2444992
Posted By: GUEST,Howard Jones
19-Sep-08 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
WAV, I think we can concede that you may be qualified to pontificate on manufacturing, anthropology and possibly backpacking. Having tried to read your poetry and listen to your music, it is painfully obvious that you are unqualified to pontificate on either.

As for your other views, if you are not prepared to debate or justify them (constantly repeating them or referencing your poetry is not sufficient) then you shouldn't expect us to take them seriously. It is your repeated failure to enter into debate, despite having academic qualifications which should have equipped you to do so, that disqualifies you.

It is good that you, as a fairly recent migrant, should be so keen to rediscover your roots. However your perceptions of the country and culture you have returned to are so mistaken as to be comical. I am reminded of the sketch in Goodness Gracious Me of the the Indian family who try too hard to be British.