The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110424   Message #2445365
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
19-Sep-08 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: England's National Musical-Instrument?
Subject: RE: England's National Musical-Instrument?
By regultionism I mean accepting that humans will always be competitive, and having stong regulations to make that competition as fair as possible - with safety nets

And who's going to do the regulating, WAV? Not a human being surely, given that human competitiveness is the problem. So, here's my suggestion* - how about we create a race of pan-dimensional intergalactic all-powerful ultra-mega super robot-droids whose sole purpose is the policing of humanity least we ever get out of hand? That would be a sure way to keep that competition fair, to make sure no one stepped out of line or ever acted in least bit human again for fear of being zapped into nothingness with a ZX-4000 Super-Zarg Disintegrational Disrupterositter Beam.

Well - makes about as much sense as the drivel you spout, WAV - for all your swimming medals, eco-tourism, degrees, cycling proficiency certificates, merit awards and whatever fucking chufty badges you think qualifies you to evacuate your bowels on subjects you know absolutely nothing about.   

Meanwhile, for some real Traditional English Pop Music of the highest order, we're setting in for a night of ROXY MUSIC on BBC4.

* Admittedly this idea is derived, in part, from the plot of The Day the Earth Stood Still - but that's as much a part of my Cultural Heritage and Own Good Culture as anything else; those dark November nights we'd go Cob-a-Coaling, up the ladder, down the wall, guising round the dirty back lanes and no matter how well we were doing we'd always be back home in time for Star Trek...