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Thread #114550   Message #2445738
Posted By: Teribus
20-Sep-08 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to destroy America
Subject: RE: BS: How to destroy America
Kendall's proposed candidate - doesn't work - money merely gets replaced in some other form.

Little Hawk's contribution while it may hold good for the simple-minded and the feckless would make no real impression - what Little Hawk and apparently quite a few posters on this forum make a mistake in doing is underestimating people in general - they largely consist of people with more than enough commonsense and a sense of responsibility and prudence - they're not as easily parted from their money, nor as easily led, as you all seem to think.

By the bye the "buy now, pay later" philosophy enabled the birth of the Netherlands as it caused the defeat of their Spanish rulers (THE Super Power in Europe at that time) and also brought into being the British Empire after William of Orange and his advisers introduced the concept to England in 1688.

Akenaton's referenced book advocates a socialist society in which work is performed to satisfy the needs of all rather than to generate profit for a few. "The Great Money Trick", in which Owen (character in the book) organises a mock-up of capitalism with his workmates, using slices of bread as raw materials and knives as machinery. Owen 'employs' his workmates cutting up the bread to illustrate that the employer - who does not work - generates personal wealth whilst the workers effectively remain no better off than when they began, endlessly swapping coins back and forth for food and wages. This is Tressell's practical way of illustrating the Marxist theory of surplus value, which in the capitalist system is generated by labour.

Seriously flawed of course as Owen's start point had everything already in place, which in real life would not occur and would never occur under a "socialist" system/society based on the principle of satisfying the needs of all.

My question to you Kendall is with the title - Why would anybody want to "destroy America"??