The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114111   Message #2445812
Posted By: GUEST,Topic 56
20-Sep-08 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Return To Fiddler's Cross (Bob Pegg)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Return To Fiddler's Cross (Bob Pegg)
Hi Mr Pegg,
I would be obliged if you could send me the sound file e-mail address The clue where I am from is in my log in name, had a couple of recorded live cassets of you from the mid '70's. Jim P has allready sent you a copy of one. The other one has pulled off the cassett and I am going to try and repair it then put it on something more perminent. I will then send you a copy of it if I am successful, I know Nigel, but it was Stuart Duglas who sang it at one of our singers nights that revived our interest.
Well hope you can send the sound file