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Thread #114550   Message #2445885
Posted By: Donuel
20-Sep-08 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to destroy America
Subject: RE: BS: How to destroy America

I dragged myself upstairs to write some thoughts this morning only to find that you and others are keenly aware of the irony of the war on terrorism and the financial target of the original attack 7 years ago. Ossama's insight into the american greed machines that are deeply intrenched in a political system that panders to religion and propoganda to sanctify every possible theft and fraud, rings true louder everyday.

Spending into a hole was a standard means of having one less dollar for the democratic party to spend on families rather than only business. Combine that wasteful spending with war of unbelievable unecessary cost and the bin Laden strategy is victorious.

7 years ago I started a thread titled 'US loses the war' because of my fear that the republican mindset would fall into the very hole Ossama pointed to.

We are in that hole.

We are now digging deeper.

Mega social engineering with the use of financial weapons aside, I had hoped we would be smarter than that but as evidenced by my loyal republican neighbors they would rather hurt Americans than ever suspect they could be wrong about their loyalties to politics that is so sickenly twisted around their religion and misplace urge for vengence.

FOX asks is it patriotic for the wealthy to pay taxes?
I would ask was it patriotic for the wealthy to steal from the last sanctuary of American's hope for the future, which was their homes.

They could have stopped all the forclosures simply by saying we will not double and triple the ARM / mortgage payments, but they were too greedy to do that. They knew the idea of being too big to fail would give them one last sky high wind fall.

Wall Street neo accountents who were actually called Rocket Scientists for their ability to make opaque investment schemes that were impenetrable to investors was the high technology of Wall Street. But I digress,,,

They have one, bin Laden has partly won and the middle class of America is set back for THIRTY YEARS which is enough time to sideline the next two generations to the whims of capitalized wealthy to do with us as they want.

game over...for about 25 to 30 years.

Even if Barack wins, all his agendas are subserviant to building a ladder to just climb out of the crater created by
the wealthy who understand the benefits of think tanks and mediocre politicians whose silence is cheaply bought.

Even if you tried to revilt or demonstrate, the new laws would make you a terrorist or worse, an enemy combatent.

Nothing less than your enslavement was the goal and it has been masterfuly carried out with all the stupid fall guys in place to take the blame in the eyes of the "average american"

PS I believe that 9 out of 10 people on this forum are not the average americans in the sense of the blind loyalists I refer to.