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Thread #109055   Message #2446335
Posted By: Amos
21-Sep-08 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
The rest of Frank Rish on McCain:

"Network news, with its dwindling handful of investigative reporters, has barely mentioned, let alone advanced, major new print revelations about Cindy McCain's drug-addiction history (in The Washington Post) and the rampant cronyism and secrecy in Palin's governance of Alaska (in last Sunday's New York Times). At least the networks repeatedly fact-check the low-hanging fruit among the countless Palin lies, but John McCain's past usually remains off limits.

That's strange since the indisputable historical antecedent for our current crisis is the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal of the go-go 1980s. When Charles Keating's bank went belly up because of risky, unregulated investments, it wiped out its depositors' savings and cost taxpayers more than $3 billion. More than 1,000 other S.&L. institutions capsized nationwide.

It was ugly for the McCains. He had received more than $100,000 in Keating campaign contributions, and both McCains had repeatedly hopped on Keating's corporate jet. Cindy McCain and her beer-magnate father had invested nearly $360,000 in a Keating shopping center a year before her husband joined four senators in inappropriate meetings with regulators charged with S.&L. oversight.

After Congressional hearings, McCain was reprimanded for "poor judgment." He had committed no crime and had not intervened to protect Keating from ruin. Yet he, like many deregulators in his party, was guilty of bankrupt policy-making before disaster struck. He was among the sponsors of a House resolution calling for the delay of regulations intended to deter risky investments just like those that brought down Lincoln and its ilk.

Ever since, McCain has publicly thrashed himself for his mistakes back then — and boasted of the lessons he learned. He embraced campaign finance reform to rebrand himself as a "maverick." But whatever lessons he learned are now forgotten.

For all his fiery calls last week for a Wall Street crackdown, McCain opposed the very regulations that might have helped avert the current catastrophe. In 1999, he supported a law co-authored by Gramm (and ultimately signed by Bill Clinton) that revoked the New Deal reforms intended to prevent commercial banks, insurance companies and investment banks from mingling their businesses. Equally laughable is the McCain-Palin ticket's born-again outrage over the greed of Wall Street C.E.O.'s. When McCain's chief financial surrogate, Fiorina, was fired as Hewlett-Packard's chief executive after a 50 percent drop in shareholders' value and 20,000 pink slips, she took home a package worth $42 million.

The McCain campaign canceled Fiorina's television appearances last week after she inadvertently admitted that Palin was unqualified to run a corporation. But that doesn't mean Fiorina is gone. Gramm, too, was ostentatiously exiled after he blamed the economic meltdown on our "nation of whiners" and "mental recession," but he remains in the McCain loop.

The corporate jets, lobbyists and sleazes that gravitated around McCain in the Keating era have also reappeared in new incarnations. The Nation's Web site recently unearthed a photo of the resolutely anticelebrity McCain being greeted by the con man Raffaello Follieri and his then girlfriend, the Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway, as McCain celebrated his 70th birthday on Follieri's rented yacht in Montenegro in August 2006. It's the perfect bookend to the old pictures of McCain in a funny hat partying with Keating in the Bahamas.

Whatever blanks are yet to be filled in on Obama, we at least know his economic plans and the known quantities who are shaping them (Lawrence Summers, Robert Rubin, Paul Volcker). McCain has reversed himself on every single economic issue this year, often within a 24-hour period, whether he's judging the strength of the economy's fundamentals or the wisdom of the government bailout of A.I.G. He once promised that he'd run every decision past Alan Greenspan — and even have him write a new tax code — but Greenspan has jumped ship rather than support McCain's biggest flip-flop, his expansion of the Bush tax cuts. McCain's official chief economic adviser is now Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who last week declared that McCain had "helped create" the BlackBerry.

But Holtz-Eakin's most telling statement was about McCain's economic plans — namely, that the details are irrelevant. "I don't think it's imperative at this moment to write down what the plan should be," he said. "The real issue here is a leadership issue." This, too, is a Rove-Bush replay. We want a tough guy who will "fix" things with his own two hands — let's take out the S.E.C. chairman! — instead of wimpy Frenchified Democrats who just "talk." The fine print of policy is superfluous if there's a quick-draw decider in the White House.

The twin-pronged strategy of truculence and propaganda that sold Bush and his war could yet work for McCain. Even now his campaign has kept the "filter" from learning the very basics about his fitness to serve as president — his finances and his health. The McCain multihousehold's multimillion-dollar mother lode is buried in Cindy McCain's still-unreleased complete tax returns. John McCain's full medical records, our sole index to the odds of an imminent Palin presidency, also remain locked away. The McCain campaign instead invited 20 chosen reporters to speed-read through 1,173 pages of medical history for a mere three hours on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. No photocopying was permitted.

This is the same tactic of selective document release that the Bush White House used to bamboozle Congress and the press about Saddam's nonexistent W.M.D. As truthiness repeats itself, so may history, and not as farce.?