The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22479   Message #244657
Posted By: GUEST,Allan S.
19-Jun-00 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
Subject: RE: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
Wow I like that law of thermo. That energy canot be increased or decreased only changed. Doesn't that answer all of our questions about those who have passed on. I was at a geneology conference in wash D. C. and went to ther holocast museum. One starts on the top flour and spirals down to the bottom and then exit. At one place the only way to proceed is through the open side, and out the other side of a RR car that was used to take people to the death camps. I could not go through for the longest time. Just stood there and cried. I know their soul or spirit was still there. Later I learned that all the people from Osieck a small town in Poland where my ancestors came from. were all taken to Belzeck extermination camp. Those that arived one day were all killed that day and went up in smoke the next morning in the furnaces. It could be that this car was one of the cars used, who knows. Remember for everyone who came to America they left some relative behind. So those with East European roots all lost some relative. Some how I think there souls are still out there to warn us all of what mankind is capable of.