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Thread #114550   Message #2446846
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Sep-08 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to destroy America
Subject: RE: BS: How to destroy America
He has been termed "Lord Grenville" in some accounts I've read, Teribus, and we are clearly talking about the same man, Sir Richard Grenville, so spare me your tendentious nitpicking.

He helped the English win that war by:

1. doing the Spanish considerable material damage in the battle and damaging their morale as well.

and much more than that by:

2. giving the English a gloriously heroic and tragic incident to inspire their fighting men on to further efforts and sacrifices.

You know as well as I do that the English nation loves an account of a valorous fight against overwhelming odds as well as any nation does, thrills to it, and has used such accounts to inspire further generations of young men to go out and fight for England.

That is just stating the painfully obvious. It's normal for nations to be inspired by such incidents.

You, sir, would probably argue all day with a dog if it barked at you or a tree that you drove into while admiring yourself in your rearview mirror, just because your overweaning bloody ego can't resist the impulse to do so. You're a fecking bore with a really bad attitude. Since you so clearly detest the politics and the beliefs of most of the people who inhabit this forum, why don't you go to some other forum that suits you better? Or are you just here for the aggravation?


By the way, the Germans in the overall course of WWII succeeded in killing considerably more Allied soldiers than their own losses suffered in personnel. They did not lose the war because of a poor differential in the inflicted body count, they lost the war because they were very heavily outnumbered in men, munitions, and industrial capacity, and because they were being led by an extremely unstable man and a criminal administration which had a talent for making enemies of most of the other nations in the world, and because their overall objectives were unrealistic. Given those liabilities, anyone else would have lost too.

Their chances of winning after 1942 were absolutely nil, because they had bitten off way more than they could chew. Germany does not and never had the industrial capacity to simultaneously fight Britain, Russia, and the USA. It could only end in a German defeat.