The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51635   Message #2446869
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
21-Sep-08 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Rolling Home to Dear Old England
Subject: RE: DTStudy: ROLLING HOME to Dear Old England
The version Martin Ryan refers to is (I suspect) the Low German one I learnt in childhood:

Vun Hamborg föhr so'n olen Kassen
Mit Namen heet he Magellan
Dor weer bi Dag keen Tiet to'n Brassen
Dat bleev denn allns bet abends stahn
Rolling home, rolling home,
Rolling home across the sea
Rolling home to dear old Hamborg
Rolling home dear land to thee

(From Hamburg sailed an ancient vessel
It's name it was the Magelhan
During the day there was no time for working (will have to look up 'Brassen')
It was all left to be done at night ...)

Will try to dig out the rest of the verses if required.